chris hay performify profile pic

Who am I?

A question I ask myself often…and I need a new profile pic

“I’m an award-winning performance marketer with 15+ years’ experience, £30M+ spent and helped build a 200+ team with an exit to a NASDAQ-listed company”

Performify is a company I have founded to offer consulting services to brands looking to scale their performance marketing to new levels.

The majority of what I can do for you is implemented directly by me, but the company represents a wider network of digital experts I can connect you with and call on for specific projects.

I’m proud to have worked with an incredibly talented bunch of people I can now call friends; entrepreneurs, gm’s, doers, product managers, designers, engineers, analysts, copywriters, data experts, ppc, seo, email, sales and much more. You know who you are 🤜.

I love solving digital problems, I’m very hands on and detail orientated but also aim to operate strategically from a high-level and be driven by grounded business objectives.

I have experience working agency side, in-house and as an independent consultant across a range of verticals.

Recently, I have finished a 10 year role starting at IDL where we built a first-class digital marketing team from scratch. We ultimately bought the business back from Vodafone, sold to Groupon and embarked on a (complex!) merger involving 3 operating regions, 12 countries and 29 domains and apps. I held the position of global operations director.

Now the focus is on Performify.

My aim is to work with like-minded people to scale their performance marketing and apply my experience as best as possible.

I have invested in some early stage businesses and I’m always interested to know about potential partnerships.

Thanks for reading 🙏 Please reach out and get in touch.
